40 players have been signed up for this competition as of 5:22 AM Sunday 22nd December
Stephanie Anderson (Bath Golf Club) |
Sue Barkes (Kibworth) |
Elizabeth Bloor (Bath Golf Club) |
Sheena Brown (Drayton Park Oxfordshire Golf Club) |
Anita Bye (Bath Golf Club) |
Jill Carter (Bath Golf Club) |
Jennifer Catchpole (Bath Golf Club) |
Dee Godwin (Kilworth Springs) |
Sally Gordon-Stewart (Tadmarton Heath) |
Michelle Green (Bath Golf Club) |
Mary Gregg (Shirehampton Park) |
MARY HENDERSON (Bath Golf Club) |
Linda Hill (Bath Golf Club) |
GILLIAN HOLDAWAY (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Rosie Jenkins (The Worcestershire Golf Club) |
Josephine Jolliffe (Bath Golf Club) |
Honor Jones (Bath Golf Club) |
Nao Kato (Shirehampton Park) |
Ruth Mackay (Drayton Park Oxfordshire Golf Club) |
Jackie Marks (The Worcestershire Golf Club) |
Lesley Matthews (Bath Golf Club) |
Deborah McArdle (Bath Golf Club) |
Josephine Melrose (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Stephanie Moorfoot (Bath Golf Club) |
Lorna Morris (Kilworth Springs) |
LYNN NEWPORT (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Kathleen Ogden (Bath Golf Club) |
Helen Oliver (Bath Golf Club) |
Mary Perkins (Bath Golf Club) |
Andrea Phillips (Bath Golf Club) |
Gail Reynolds (Tadmarton Heath) |
Margaret Roberts (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Alison Rushgrove (Bath Golf Club) |
Sarah Smith (Kilworth Springs) |
Debbie Stock (Drayton Park Oxfordshire Golf Club) |
Fiona Thomas (Drayton Park Oxfordshire Golf Club) |
Ann Tonge (Bath Golf Club) |
Rosy Williams (Bath Golf Club) |