116 players have been signed up for this competition as of 6:27 AM Sunday 22nd December
Bob Allen (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Liz Allen (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Caroline Amor (Burford Golf Club) |
Robert Amor (Burford Golf Club) |
Geoff Anderson (Henbury Golf Club) |
Karen Anderson (Henbury Golf Club) |
Bridget Ashley (Ross-on-Wye Golf Club) |
Stephen Ashley (Ross-on-Wye Golf Club) |
Colin Baber (Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club) |
David Bailey (Astbury) |
Nicola Bailey (Astbury) |
Stephen Ball (Henbury Golf Club) |
Tracey Ball (The Kendleshire Golf Club) |
Jane Barrett (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
John Barrett (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Gail Bell (Burford Golf Club) |
Nicholas Bell (12.1) |
Malcolm Bevan (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Daniel John Budd (The Players Club Golf Club) |
Barry Canning (Burford Golf Club) |
Graham Clarke (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Andy Cocking (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Lin Cocking (Thornbury Golf Centre Golf Club) |
Sue Cockrell (Worcester Golf & Country Club) |
Alan Couch (Henbury Golf Club) |
Dianne Couch (Henbury Golf Club) |
Julie Cruickshank (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Willie Cruickshank (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Agnes Davidson (Fulwell) |
Alex Davidson (Fulwell) |
Catherine Davies (Long Ashton Golf Club) |
Mike Davies (Manor House Golf Club) |
Richard Davies (16.8) |
Chris Devney (Worcester Golf & Country Club) |
Chris Dew (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Kate Dew (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Ian Edlin (Brickhampton Court Golf Club) |
Sue Edlin (Cotswold Hills Golf Club) |
Bev Edwards (Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club) |
Bryan Edwards (Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club) |
Claire Fairman (13.0) |
Jan Flynn (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Stephanie Foreman (Chippenham Golf Club) |
Derick Forsyth (Worlebury Golf Club) |
Bet Gazzard (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
John Gazzard (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
Chris Goodliff (Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club) |
Helen Gorham (Bristol & Clifton Golf Club) |
Ian Gorham (Bristol & Clifton Golf Club) |
Fe Gray (16.2) |
Jenny Griffiths (Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club) |
Mary Griffiths (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Robert Griffiths (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Cheryl Hale (Knowle Golf Club) |
Simon Hale (Knowle Golf Club) |
Christine Harris (33.2) |
Eric Harris (Bigbury) |
Paul J Harris (17.7) |
Joseph Hastings (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Lita Hayward (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Alison Henshaw (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Angela Hillier (Newport (Gwent) Golf Club) |
John Hillier (Newport (Gwent) Golf Club) |
Stephanie Hopes (Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club) |
Tracey Hunt (Witney Lakes) |
Stephen james Hurn (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
Sadhana Jain (Manor House Golf Club) |
Laura Jarman (Bowood Golf & Country Club) |
Gethin Jenkins (The Worcestershire Golf Club) |
Rosie Jenkins (The Worcestershire Golf Club) |
Patricia Johnson (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Richard Jones (Manor House Golf Club) |
Mervyn Kinch (Worlebury Golf Club) |
Sue Kinch (Worlebury Golf Club) |
Andrew Lait (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Caroline Lait (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Gerard Lally (Burford Golf Club) |
John Lally (Burford Golf Club) |
Shirley Lally (Witney Lakes) |
Noel Lamb (Chippenham Golf Club) |
Kelly Leese (Bowood Golf & Country Club) |
Carole Lloyd (Cleeve Hill) |
David Lloyd (Cleeve Hill) |
David Mann (St Enodoc) |
Sian Martin (Newport (Gwent) Golf Club) |
W Rob Martin (Newport (Gwent) Golf Club) |
Maria Mee (The Kendleshire Golf Club) |
Jayne Morris (Manor House Golf Club) |
Kevin Morris (Manor House Golf Club) |
Christine Moylan (Cirencester Golf Club) |
Barry Mullholland (Clevedon) |
Karen Mullholland (Clevedon) |
Angela Newman (23.4) |
David Newman (26.0) |
W Parsons (Knowle Golf Club) |
Dave Pearce (Manor House Golf Club) |
Sandra Pearce (Chipping Sodbury Golf Club) |
Sid Pratt (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Cindi Pride (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
Martin Pride (Cotswold Edge Golf Club) |
David Rabbitt (The Worcestershire Golf Club) |
Wendy Rabbitt (The Worcestershire Golf Club) |
Sue Reid (23.2) |
Julie Reynolds (24.9) |
Thomas Reynolds (7.0) |
Dave Simpson (Bowood Golf & Country Club) |
Penny Spokes (27.0) |
Georgina Stubbings (Burford Golf Club) |
Jeremy Stubbings (Burford Golf Club) |
Sarah Tyler (Worlebury Golf Club) |
Andy Williams (Southerndown Golf Club) |
Gaynor Williams (Southerndown Golf Club) |
Judy Wood (18.6) |
Steve Wood (14.7) |
Julie Wyatt (St Enodoc) |
Chris Yeates (Cirencester Golf Club) |